World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet

Welcome to the WSO Science Control Center


The World Space Observatory - Ultraviolet (WSO-UV) is an international space telescope that will be launched in 2023 to guarantee observational access in the ultraviolet (UV) range to astronomers after the end of the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) mission.

This is the WSO Science Control Centre (SCC) web page hosted by the Joint Center for Ultraviolet Astronomy (JCUVA), located at the University Complutense of Madrid (UCM).


ANNOUNCEMENT: The Call for Proposals for WSO-UV Core Program; Special Call for scientific projects requiring preparatory observations is open. Follow this link to access the Remote Proposal System


This is the list of Letters of Intent received for the current Call (Proposals for WSO-UV Science Core Program requiring preparatory activities)


Proposing Calendar for Core Programme Proposals:

Letter of Intent (compulsory). Deadline, July  27th, 2018
List of Letters of Intent made public. September 14th, 2018
Call for Proposals. Opens October 8th, 2018
Call for Proposals. Deadline, December 14th, 2018, 17:00 UTC
Notification of the outcome of the selection process will be sent to all proposers in February 2019.
Call for Phase I Proposals.  Opens, November 2020
Call for Phase I Proposals.  Closes, February, 2021

Questions may be addressed to the JCUVA Help Desk (


Current Timeline for this Call is:

Opening of the Call for Proposals

8 - October -2018 (10:00 UTC)

Deadline Call for Proposals

14 - December - 2018 (17:00 UTC)